What is a blog, anyway?  There  are lots of answers to this question, and depending on your use of blogs and whether you blog already, you may have your own opinion to share.  That’s good… sharing will be required in this class!

First, a few definitions of BLOG offered by a sampling of experts on the topic:

A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an HTML browser.’ Source

‘A frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links.’Source

‘From “Web log.” A blog is basically a journal that is available on the web. The activity of updating a blog is “blogging” and someone who keeps a blog is a “blogger.”‘ Source

I don’t know about you, but I learned from compiling these quotes where the word “blog” comes from!

In this class, our blog will offer an alternative playground for posting your thoughts and reflections. In addition to participating in the class Discussion Board, contributing to a blog allows you to gain experience navigating a blog site, posting and receiving comments, and getting used to the terminology used out there in the blogosphere.  You are asked to post two blog entries during this course and to read and respond actively to others’ posts.  While we are experimenting with blogging in a minor way in this class, some of your online courses at OSU will require blog entries as a primary means of posting and participating.

Your Week 2 assignment, Blog Post #1, is this:

In this class we have begun exploring what makes for successful online learning, how your readiness as an online learner prepares you for success and where potential challenges lie, and you have spent in-depth time investigating your learning styles this week. Reflect on all that has happened to you during your first couple of weeks of becoming an online learner.

In your first blog, please address the strengths you have identified in yourself, the surprises you’ve already encountered during your first two weeks, and the struggles that keep you mindful of the challenges of online learning.

Please do categorize and add tags to your post (see the video below for help).

If you’d like instructions for posting your blog, please see the video to help you get started: How to Add a Blog Post (this example is from a different class, but you will find it helpful).

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