
As some of you might recall from the first few weeks of class, this is my last year at Oregon State. Time seriously goes by so quickly, and I’m both thankful and surprised how far I’ve come throughout college. Online learning is truly a blessing to me and just recently my family as well. A few days ago I found out my mom has been diagnosed with cancer. One of the biggest strengths that I’ve realized about online learning this week is the amount of flexibility- it will allow me to drive her to any and every appointment and be home to help her while she is sick. As for personal strengths I am a very organized person and I’m generally good with time-management. This is perfect for an online learning setting because I can sit down in the beginning of the week and write out what is expected of me, and make sure I have time to do it all on top of keeping up with my social life, and hobbies outside of school. I can’t stress enough how much I love online classes. I didn’t think “going” to school could be so fitting in my life and become something that I truly enjoy.

I believe I am pretty familiar with online courses and what they have to offer. I am surprised however at the difference it makes when you’re taking a full 15 credit schedule, versus just one online class. I have spent so much time on my computer and I actually am going laptop shopping today- super excited! I’m also surprised how well the rest of my life is falling into place around my online schooling. I can’t imagine what things would be like if I was still living in Corvallis right not, unable to travel and be home for my family.

As a freshman unaware of what I wanted to do with my life, I was in the Exercise Sports Science major program. I took anatomy, biology and chemistry only to find out that it wasn’t what I wanted to do… yes that’s right I went through sleepless nights of studying for exams in classes I no longer need to graduate. I struggled quite a bit these first few years, but as soon as I switched my major everything clicked and I started preforming very well in my classes. I now strive to get A’s in my classes, versus just making sure I pass with a C. I’m surprised how far I’ve come over the years, but also just in these past few weeks. I’m extremely motivated to graduate with a good GPA and with memorable experiences of my senior year. I’m surprised mostly that during week one of Fall term, I decided I loved online learning so much that I might even get my masters online. I always thought once I was done with my undergrad that I would say “see-ya” to school and start my life. I now cannot wait to further my education even more. A lot can change throughout college courses-in ways you can’t imagine-they open your mind to things you’ve never thought of before. Obviously the course information is interesting and most of it is new to learners, but throughout college courses you actually gain so much more understanding about yourself- and because of that, I am surprised.

Not to say I don’t have struggles, but compared to my previous college years, my struggles seem non-existent. First, you should understand that I struggled so much my last three years to physically go to class. I had a really bad habit of knowing I wouldn’t be able to learn in lecture, so I would teach myself what I needed to know and not show up to class at all. You can imagine that this impacted my results in the classes I was taking, because most of the time attendance is part of your grade. Now that my classes are online- the problem is resolved! I guess one thing I struggle with at times is not wanting to sit down and do my work. I know this sounds petty, but it’s true. Sometimes I just have “better” things to do. This is when the self-talk comes in and I remind myself that school is my job, and my work needs to be done whether I want to or not. Overall, I’m not struggling with online classes and I’m very thankful for that.

4 thoughts on “So far, so good

  1. Well first I want to say congrats on making it to your last year of college because that’s a great accomplishment and I can’t wait to say that myself but I still have a ways to go! I’m really sorry to hear about your mother’s diagnosis and I hope she makes good recovery soon so she can get back to the things she loves doing. I can’t imagine how hard that would be to handle. It sounds like throughout your journey through college you were able to learn so much and build such a passion for learning by wanting to continue on your education with a Master’s degree. I am still undecided if I want to continue my education after receiving my Bachelor’s degree and I can really relate to that feeling of saying “see-ya” to school because my main goal right now is just to get done! What degree will you be graduating with after this year?

    • Thank you for your response and kind words! My mother is convincing us all that she will be fine, so I’m taking her word for it. I think unless people “have” to get their masters, they usually wait to decide until much later in their college experience. I know the thought didn’t even cross my mind until this year. I will be graduating with a human development and family science major and I’m planning to enter a dual masters program in religious studies and marriage & family counseling. Thank again for your gracious thoughts!

  2. Hello,

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mother, that’s incredibly sad news and I hope very much that she has a fast recovery.

    It’s wonderful to hear how you’ve had a great time learning at OSU. What did you switch your major to, and what would you like to get your master’s in?

  3. Considering everything you seem pretty upbeat. I appreciate your insights on your last three years of school and would like to congratulate you on it being your last year. I’m happy for you that you’re able to be with your family right now-I love how things work themselves out sometimes and you are right where you need to be. I am also interested to know what you are now majoring in, I’m really into social sciences and would love to be in social services.


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