Category: Uncategorized

  • The Secret Sauce to Interview Success

    I landed a Summer 2023 Software Engineering internship with Audible, an audio books company and Amazon subsidiary. The application and interview process were standard. It included an application, online assessment, recruiter screening, and remote technical interview.  I prepared for my technical interview by grinding Leetcode. I’ve learned it’s just what you do in this field…

  • My Journey from English Literature to Computer Science

    I’m working on the AR Popup Storybook Companion Application. The technological goal of this app is to bring to life children’s books using augmented reality technologies and the iPhone. The user goal is to increase children’s interest in reading by leveraging the widespread parental usage of screens to entertain and distract children. The ultimate goal…

  • Hello world!

    As every good writer knows, and in this case we’ll use writer as a pseudonym for programmer (i.e. coder), the first line is the hardest. So, I’ll start with a classic. There. It’s done! My first blog post is complete! It’s short. I know. As if writing like coding were that simple. As if staring…