The State of the Blog: A Quick Retrospective (Unnecessary Ellipsis)…

Link is evolving!

Well, I think I really nailed it with the introduction. I talked about Nintendo stuff, Kingdom Hearts 3, and specifically what a mess the SNES Classic will be. I don’t know why I mentioned Half-Life 3. I failed to mention Square Enix or Final Fantasy games whatsoever.

Will the Super NES Classic be Super?
My thoughts on this haven’t changed. My anxiety about it has gone up significantly and my mind is more and more on playing Super Metroid again, even though I already own it. Twice. Someone at some point stole my copy on the SNES though, and I’m looking forward to being denied the chance to play it on the old style controllers. Thanks, Nintendo. /sarcasm

Now that the Final Fantasy XII HD Remaster is out…
I still haven’t played it. I’m not interested in spending $50 I don’t have, so I’m going to borrow it for a friend. If you’re interested in buying it for me, I’ll set up a Patreon for no reason.

New Worlds and Mechanics for Kingdom Hearts 3
I did a podcast with my friend about this, that’s how excited we are. It ended up being 26 minutes long and I’m heavily procrastinating on editing it down to less than a quarter of that time. Bleh. Anyway, no new information has come out about the game since I wrote it, so nothing to update.

Metroid Prime 4: I’d lost hope…
Okay, I just noticed I used ellipses twice in the titles of my posts. Whoops. I think this is my favorite out of the ones I’ve written so far because it shares a bit of my history with the game series. I’ve been so hyped about it I took the time to get my Metroid Prime Trilogy up and running on my Wii U. I did this instead of editing my podcast. I’m a terrible person.

Metroid: Samus Returns… but it took her a while.
Oh look! An ellipsis! I grossly overhyped myself on this game. It’s out next month! I didn’t talk about the supply issue with the special two-pack Amiibo figurines at all. It’s got Samus in a crouch position and a metroid breaking out of a capsule. Problem is, there’s actual game content (Fusion mode: super hard difficulty with a different suit for Samus) locked behind the purchase. And supply is a huge issue. This is really angering the Nintendo gaming community and it’s a fairly big controversy right now. It’s like DLC that you can’t even buy if you wanted to. I’m pissed about it too.

The Legend of Zelda Game I Never Bought
I would have used the word “only” in the title, but I didn’t buy several of the handheld games, so it felt disingenuous to include it. I complain a bit about Amiibos here. I’ll admit, I was partially whining about the Metroid Amiibos as well, but the argument fully applies to the Zelda amiibos as well. I’m sure I’ll break down and buy it. But if I can’t afford $50 for Final Fantasy XII, how am I going to afford $360+ for that on the Switch? I should get one of those “job” things I hear about from time to time.

So how have things changed? I don’t know, like, not at all? I pretty much just slap down my opinions about something I know some stuff about. I had a friend accidentally see my blog and he said, “Wow that looks really good!” Thanks, whatever platform this blog is on. It’s extremely easy to use. I’m actually really happy with the way this has turned out so far. So, thank you!

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