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Annotated Bibliography  February 13th, 2021

Topic: Branding/Advertising in design 

Entry #3:

  1. Lippincott on What ‘Brand’ Really Means by Lipincott
  2. The article is by Lippincott which is a publishing conglomerate that discusses science, medicine, and advertising topics. This article was found on the AIGA website
  3. The article and video titles “Lippincott on What ‘Brand’ Really Means” discusses what makes a brand, and how branding is such a large umbrella topic. The video attached to the article makes good points along the lines of brands are everything. The idea of branding also is very contradicting. A brand can be both physical and digital, a name, color, sound, or style. A stamp on a product, or a mark of performance. Innovative, take you away or bring you back home. All of these things are brands, or can be included in your brand, but don’t have to be. The idea of a brand is often much broader than we make it out to be and the article discussed why brands are so important. The article’s main point is this, that brands are many parts, and each part needs to be carefully scrutinized and tweaked down to the DNA to perfect a brand. Large corporations do this and look at their brand  from all sides to make it perfect and so should every brand. Brands such as Campbell’s soup have had art made after them because their branding is so iconic. Branding is more than just a name but an identity with logs of faces. 
  4. Lippincott. “Lippincott on What ‘Brand’ Really Means.” AIGA, 21 Oct. 2014, www.aiga.org/aiga/content/inspiration/lippincott-on-what-brand-really-means/

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