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Annotated Bibliography  February 13th, 2021

Topic: Branding/Advertising in design 

Entry #1

  1. The Anthropology of Advertising by Patrick Warner
  2. Patrick Warner is an anthropologist and businessman. I couldn’t find a lot about him online, but his article was featured on the national AIGA page. 
  3. The article “The anthropology of Advertising”, discussed the nature of how advertising and marketing came to be. In the article the author, Patrick Warner, talks a lot about how marketing and advertising is a language all on its own, and it’s something that was shown to you often visually first, before and other way. Patrick Warner points put in the article that sales, advertising, and marketing were born from a chain. The evolution of the chain happened naturally but quickly. It was born from first contact, visual cues, language barrier, communication, sharing, understanding, needing, and then using. He points out in the article that Sales was the beginning of the evolution to advertising and marketing. Sales created the drive to sell products, selling then lead to marketing, and marketing lead to advertising. He also points out in the article that advertising and marketing have changed in the last few decades. Originally people were getting their advertisements from the radio, then the tv but after the tv came out people started paying to remove ads from these services, but there was still a want to know what was happening in the world, so the internet was born. A way of advertising that was driven by the consumer when they wanted to see it. 
  4. Warner, Patrick. “The Anthropology of Advertising.” AIGA, 25 Nov. 2006, www.aiga.org/aiga/content/tools-and-resources/gain-journal/the-anthropology-of-advertising/.

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