Algorithms and Aging

Entry 1 – The Middle

My name is Jhonatan Becerra. I am 34 years old, and I have 2 dogs: Noodle and Stella. My girlfriend, Kayla, loves electronics in all forms, but suffers from an extreme proclivity of not knowing how to properly operate them. That’s where I come in. During the day, I play the role of Field Technician for a well known mattress company. It is a job that I enjoy well-enough and that allows me maintain a decent work/life balance. At night, however, that’s when my real passion kicks in. Just like Batman.

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To say that I have always been invested in technology, would be an understatement. The truth is, like many of my generation, I grew up using a variety of devices. From tape players to iPods, Nintendos to Xboxes, PCs to smartphones, and everything in between. I have always thought of myself as someone who can operate a device with a higher grade of precision, especially when compared to the average user. That being said, I am no technological god either. It is out of that thought process, however, that I decided to turn my love of technology into something more than just merely utilizing it.

Some would argue that the fact that I am older than Google would diminish my technological prowess, and honestly, I disagree completely. While I am certainly no stranger to the struggles that accompany being a CS major, I find myself in possession of the answer more times than not. As anyone who has ever experienced any time in this field will mention, the feeling of inadequacy can be a cloud that follows you at times. It is through this lens that I am to direct this blog. From the perspective of someone who has gotten a late start, but will use all other prior experiences to innovate and push through in a field dominated by technological genius. I hope to provide my point of view on a variety of technologies and algorithms as they come into my life for study and, undoubtedly, shape the way that I live.

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