
What is “Clean Code”?

When learning more about coding going into High School, I treated coding as a tool that can be used to complete tasks autonomously as well as make other tasks easier for the user. Making this code however, I learned is very hard and comes with its own errors and I only learned about having Clean Code until after I had a very basic understanding of how to code in C++. I ended up having some sort of assignment a coupler years ago that lead me to look up documents and I found the document I originally used as a reference for my Clean Code and it came from Robert C Martin, who wrote a LOT about Clean Code and ways of achieving it. In this article labeled “Clean Code: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly” by Daniel Gerlach that talked about good and bad qualities regarding the topics of Clean Code, and it did make me realize to think about my own opinion regarding Clean Code.

To start, I do believe that keeping it simple stupid is a great tip that I do try and work on throughout my code. Having the ability to not only make your code simple to understand, but also the code’s effectiveness is also good while being simple is a great quality to have. However, the negative of the book that was explained in the article is their examples of Clean code, a function named was defined as

  • smallestOddNthMultipleNotLessThanCandidate()

which although explains the use case, is incredibly long and hard to read in the code form. So although this book does have a lot of Clean Code tips and ideas that I consistently reference for my own coding, that also accounts for the bad things the book does show off in itself as well but still has given me the same impact that it once has even if all the information was not completely all correct and positive.

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