Author: claiched

  • Devon Claiche – Week #6 Progress Report

    This week I continued work on the backend schema further to try to finish it and complete all the tables we’d need to launch a good MVP of our app. I leaned into using AI heavily for this as it is very good at translating text into SQL code and create the schema that I…

  • Devon Claiche Week #5 – Progress Report

    How AI Helped Me Develop and Enhance My Database As a programmer venturing into the intricate world of database development and management, I recently found myself needing a bit of guidance. This is where my interaction with an AI, specifically designed to assist with programming tasks, proved incredibly beneficial. Here’s a detailed look at how…

  • Devon Claiche Progress Report Week #4

    This week I focus on reorganizing the existing code base and improving the structure to make navigation easier and reduce headaches going forward. I used AI (chatGPT) to research better nextjs practices and UI and it gave me a few UI library websites to get new components. Then I followed a guide I found in…

  • Devon Claiche Progress Report – Week 3

    This week I built out a page that helps onboard the user into signing up on Alpaca. The page consists of a sliding carousel that has three pages with information on the Alpaca onboarding process. The first slide page shows an image of the create account page on the Alpaca website, some text instruction and…

  • Devon Claiche Week #2 – Progress Report

    This week I attempted to work on the frontend design of the launchpage and brokerage-linking page. I managed to complete both pages with an initial draft that can then be iterated on and synced with the backend for the next couple of weeks. I started on the schema for our database but still have some…

  • Devon Claiche – Week 1

    Progress Report Week 1 – AI Coder This week we mostly focused on setting up our project guidelines and frameworks that will guide us over the coming weeks and provide a goal to achieve. Our team setup the Github repository, Discord server, Asana group, Team Standards and Project Plan. Setting up the supporting tech (Github,…