
Week 6 Blog

This week has been a little bit of a struggle in trying to finish my projects for all my classes, falling a little behind. Have the mental focus to push through all the assignments has been very tough, usually when I’m in Corvallis things are a lot easier because the environment is based around school and work. However at home, it’s different, you got family and friends that are always around being distractive. CS444 specifically has been the biggest challenge, online lectures are average about an hour asynchronous. Which makes it more difficult, the learning experience is not very good. I understand with programming everything will be mostly done entirely online, however, when learning I think having the classroom environment and people in the same position makes it easier. If you get stuck or need different points of view on a subject, they are there and together learning becomes easier and more fun. My entire university experience has been roughly semi-difficult, mostly all being hard due to time management, now that it’s at home it becomes that much more difficult. 

On the bright side, I have finally decided to start running the layout for my developer website. This website will consist of very userfriendly laid out tutorials for things that aren’t very common or very complicated to understand. I find that many tutorials online arent very detailed or explained in ways that aren’t very easy for most people to understand. So I hope that I can create content for just a couple of things to start off with, just to keep others posted. I will deliver my content mostly through social media initially like Instagram to explain or talk about small things. With the website containing more information and very detailed and easy tutorials. This will also serve as a way to demonstrate what I can do and use it on my portfolio. However I will see if others have ideas that I can incorporate or things they would find very helpful or useful.

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