Katherine NordholmM.S. Fisheries Candidate

Katherine NordholmThesis Topic: Use of PIT tags and otoliths microchemistry in monitoring the life cycle of coho salmon

Katherine fell in love with all things nature while she was growing up on the rural Southern Oregon Coast.� She attended Southwestern Oregon Community College where she earned an Associate of Arts degree. �She transferred to Oregon State University, majored in Biology and completed an option in Marine Biology. After five years working with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife doing a variety of salmon monitoring research, Katherine is now working for the Coos Watershed Association as coordinator of their Coho Life Cycle Monitoring Project. �Data from this project will be used in her current graduate research project in Dr. Giannico’s lab..� For fun, Katherine enjoys S.C.U.B.A diving (especially spear fishing), kayaking, hiking, and an assortment of other outdoor activities with her pitbull Anna.

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Adam Weybright – M.S. Fisheries Candidate

Adam WeybrightThesis Topic: Life History of Coho Salmon (South Coast)

Adam is a native of Seattle and attended Washington State University as an undergraduate student, where he majored in Biology. He initially worked in wildlife science, conducting spotted owl surveys throughout western Washington. During the last eight years Adam has focused on fisheries science, with much of that time spent as a fisheries consultant at R2 Resource Consultants, Inc in Redmond, Washington. As a consultant, Adam participated in a variety of fisheries studies evaluating the effects of resource management on fisheries and habitat conditions. He is currently the Monitoring Coordinator at the Coos Watershed Association in Coos Bay, Oregon where he is supervising a coho salmon Life Cycle Monitoring Project to estimate juvenile and adult coho abundance and survival in two coastal lowland streams. Adam is incorporating data collected for the Coos Watershed Association into his Master�s thesis, which focuses on juvenile coho salmon movement, size and growth in tide gated lowland streams. In his limited free time, Adam hangs with his wife, Elizabeth and nearly 2 year-old son Miles, hikes, skis, and plays ultimate Frisbee.

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