About Me

Hi, my name is Alejandro Chiroque. I am a bachelor in forestry engineering at La Molina National Agrarian Univesity with a particular interest in the area of Forestry Management. I lived in Lima, Perú. My objective is to become a sustainable forestry Project Manager in Perú. I pretend to develop projects that involve reforestation to provide environmental services to the community, promote commercial reforestation with native species, also improved the chain value of forestry products (timber and non-timber products) in a sustainable way

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About the Blog

Welcome to Peruvian Agroforestry blog!

Here you can find articles about the agroforestry sector in Peru, specifically crops related to cocoa and coffee. Also, you can find information about the reforestation status in Peru, with a special emphasis on tree native species like “Tornillo” (Cedrelinga cateniformis), “Bolaina” (Guazuma crinita), “Marupa” (Simarouba amara), and many others. The articles you will read here include a perspective on how to mitigate the effects of climate change via reforestation. We included an innovative perspective about what it means to be a leader in the agroforestry sector in Peru.