Guidelines for Context Statement

All information provided in this section regarding the school, personnel, families, and students must be kept anonymous so that no individual can be identified from the student’s descriptive information. Use pseudonyms for the school, community, and all individuals. You may assign numbers or letters for each student in your class to identify them.

The context section of your Work Sample paints a picture of the setting in which you are teaching. It should include all of the following information:

Community Description: 

_____ Actual data on the physical setting of the community

_____ Actual data on the economic basis of the community

_____ Actual data on the social demographics of the community (size of population, racial/ethnic composition)

_____ Description of special cultural or natural features of the community


School Description: 

_____ Description of the physical setting of the school

_____ Description of the size and layout of the school (Are different grades housed in different wings? Is there a central meeting place? Etc.)

_____ Description of the resources available in the school (computer labs, gymnasium, counseling office, etc.)

_____ Description of the behavior management policy of the school

_____ Actual data on the social demographics of the school (number of students in each grade, M/F, TAG, IEP, etc.)

_____ Actual data on the racial/ethnic demographics of the school (number of ELL, languages spoken, etc.)

_____ Actual data on the economic demographics of the school (number of free/reduced lunches, SES, etc.)

_____ Actual data on the academic history of the school (test scores, AYP, etc.)


Classroom Description: 

_____ Description of the size and layout of the classroom

_____ Description of the resources available in the classroom (computers, sinks, etc.)

_____ Actual data on the social demographics of the classroom (number of students, M/F, TAG, IEP, etc.)

_____ Actual data on the racial/ethnic demographics of the classroom (number of ELL, languages spoken, etc.)

_____ Actual data on the economic demographics of the classroom (number of free/reduced lunches, SES, etc.)

_____ Actual data on the economic demographics of the classroom (number of free/reduced lunches, SES, etc.)
