Today I submitted the last of the required forms and materials to my OSU Global Opportunities (aka OSU GO-isn’t that clever?) application, including my passport and flight information. I’ll be flying from Portland, OR, to Vancouver, BC (it will be my first time in Canada), then on to Heathrow airport, where I will be meeting my classmates for a shuttle to our dorm. Overall, I’ll be spending roughly 10.5 hours in the air, plus a short layover in Vancouver. Whew! This will be the longest I’ve ever spent in a plane, but it’s completely worth it! I’m already thinking what books to bring and will be sure to triple-check that I have my headphones for music, although I like flying and don’t think the length of time in the air will be an issue. The time difference and jet lag, well, that’s another story! Only 54 more days to go…