
Wrapping up Fall 2024 – Blog Post #3

Hello again, world!

Where should I start? We’re wrapping up the first term of work on our capstone project. This term has mostly consisted of research and planning. In fact, we just submitted the v0.0.2 assignment. This was a slightly confusing assignment. We haven’t done much development yet. The real development starts next term. However, we were asked to set up a “Hello World” type of repository for our project. As a group, we weren’t entirely sure what to include in this repository. Since I’m in charge of the PPU implementation, I was in charge of setting up a PPU test file for all intents and purposes of the v0.0.2 assignment.

For this assignment, I decided to do something simple and straightforward. I created a very basic C struct that contains four members. The four members correspond to the four components of the NES PPU’s OAM. OAM stands for Object Attribute Memory. Basically, each graphical sprite can be represented by four bytes of data in the OAM, one byte designated for each component. The four components are as follows: Y position, tile index number, attribute information, and X position. With the struct that I added, we can create OAM structures that contain these four bytes of information as their components. So, I did exactly that in the test file. I created a Sprite OAM struct, assigned some values, and printed the Sprite OAM struct’s data to show that the structure was fully useable.

I’m looking forward to future development. This project still has my interest peaked. I can’t wait to get into the late-night coding sessions. This class has offered me an opportunity to do something truly awesome and my group seems very reliable, so I think the journey will be a positive experience. Our Discord server is quite active. All members of the group seem to respond quickly and appropriately. Things are going much smoother than I thought they would. Hopefully the next term and future progress on the project goes as smoothly as the researching and planning has gone. I’m hopeful and confident that things will be perfectly fine, regardless.

Thank you for reading my post! Catch ya next time.

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