Abstract Submission Guidelines
A concise and factual 1-page abstract is required, please follow this template for formatting. Abstract should be written in Times New Roman Font, size 12. The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and major conclusions. References should be avoided. Also, non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided, but if essential they must be defined at their first mention in the abstract itself. The contact details of the presenting author should be reported at the bottom of the page. All abstracts should be submitted in Word document file via email to james.v.anderson@usda.gov. Indicate in the email if it is for oral presentation or poster and to which AAIC Division. All abstracts must be submitted by May 1, 2023.
Poster Submission Guidelines
Poster Area (Display Space)
Maximum dimensions: 48 in (122 cm) x 48 in (122 cm). There will be no exceptions.
Posters should be easily read from a distance of 3-4 ft. (1 m). Minimum text size is 24 pt.
• Fonts: Arial (Helvetica), Times, and Symbol. Avoid script and narrow fonts.
• Title: At least 84 pt., printed across the top of the poster.
• Author(s)/Affiliation(s): At least 42 pt.
• Subheadings: At least 36 pt.
• Text, Figures, Tables: At least 24 pt.
Content and Layout
• Text, figures, and tables may be mounted on colored backgrounds (such as mat board) before being placed on the main board.
• Text and graphical elements should be laid out in vertical columns in a clear and logical sequence.
Please refer to the poster format guide for details.