Traci Reed


4-H Educator and Military Liason

Phone Number for Follow-up Questions:

Presentation Title:
4-H Military Partnership

Brief Professional Biography:
After 25 years teaching high school English as a Second Language, I switched careers and became the 4-H Educator for Klamath County. I am going on my 6th year in this position and love my job!

Brief Personal and Professional Biography:
As a teacher I earned by Bachelor’s Degree in Education at Eastern Oregon University and my Master’s Degree in Educational Leadership at Washington State University. My family and I moved back to Klamath Falls in 2007 which is where my son became involved with Klamath County 4-H.

What does your average day look like on your job?
The average day is never the same! I am always on the go planning or organizing new activities.

What is one highlight of your career field?
Working with many groups of young people and seeing what can

How did you get to your career?
4-H is my second career, and as a former teacher, this is the best job where I get to plan fun activities with youth!

Are there any tips you have for individuals seeking to start this career or do you know if there are scholarship or internship opportunities available with your career?
Oregon State University has student internship programs every summer so you can work in a 4-H office to learn what we do.