Makayla Louise Hobbs



Phone Number for follow-up questions:

Title of presentation:
Success is built on perseverance, not expectations placed on you.

Brief Professional Biography:
Writing is an underestimated craft. As an author, I have three goals:
1. Create believable characters and a strong intriguing story.
2. Let others know they are not alone when facing difficulties in life or harmful situations.
3. Enjoy my work and continually prove to others (and myself) that success is what you make it, and it is possible to achieve even the most unbelievable goals.

Brief Personal and Professional Biography:
I was born and raised in the small community of Baker City, OR alongside two brothers while three other siblings had grown and moved out prior to my mom and stepdad’s marriage. Highschool graduate of 2013 I continued in college, earning my Associates of Arts in general studies geared toward education. In 2015, I graduated and got married. Over a few years, I leap frogged multiple unsatisfying jobs, had two beautiful children and finally chose to pursue what I had always wanted: finish the book I had started ten years prior. Meeting S.D. Howard, another author and writing coach spurred me on as a professional friendship brewed and I had support in the process. Not everyone gets writing, so it is important to have those like you by your side. A year later a publisher accepted my manuscript, and I published a short six months later. The process was grueling, but oh so worth it. Now I coach on the side, edit and market in local shows around the state when the opportunity presents. This summer S.D. and I are doing something a little different and putting on a writing retreat where authors can join for a weekend to write, learn and build community.

What is one highlight of your career field?
Helping others in unexpected ways and doing what I love.

How did you get to your career?
A lot of self-doubt and continual perseverance.

What does your average day look like on your job?
There is no average day. I work odd jobs, raise my kids, support my husband in his busy job and write when the time fits in.

Are there any tips you have for individuals seeking to start this career or do you know if there are scholarship or internship opportunities available with your career?
There are lots of Facebook and online groups for writers as well as author coaches who love to guide new to the craft individuals. There are also programs and retreats all over the country. A great on is the yearly NaNoWriMo. This urges people to really sit down and work. Workshops on writing are always available and so much more. Even my Publisher has a “pre-publishing” type setup.