Karan Kutty and Kristen Currier



Phone Number for follow-up questions:
Kristen: 520-661-2517
Karan: 954-937-8056

Title of Presentation:
Engineering @ Intel

Brief Professional Biography:
Kristen has worked at Intel for three years. Her role involves inspecting the outgoing parts to ensure they meet customer and quality visual standards. Karan has worked at Intel for 11 years. In his current role he tests the functional performance of Intel’s parts to ensure they work as expected and meet performance goals.

Brief Personal and Professional Biography:
Kristen is a BS in Biosystems Engineering. Karan is a MS in Electrical Engineering. We are a married couple who both work at Intel in Arizona and want to encourage others to also pursue engineering degrees.

What is one highlight of your career field?
We love the endless opportunity to grow and improve both ourselves and our work.

How did you get to your career?
We both became interested in engineering due to a love improving, fixing, tinkering, science, and math.

What does your average day look like on your job?
We work on long term projects while also managing the day to day of our roles. We typical will start our day by answering emails and dealing with any urgent requests or troubleshooting needs. Then we focus on one or more of our current projects. We also frequently attend and manage coordination meetings for these projects which can involve dozens of stakeholders working together.

Are there any tips you have for individuals seeking to start this career or do you know if there are scholarship or internship opportunities available with your career?
Tip: Get a STEM degree. Engineering is the best ;). Intel has many internship and scholarship opportunities: https://jobs.intel.com/page/show/internships

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