Bryan Despain


Aircraft Maintenance Technician

Phone Number for follow-up questions:

Title of presentation:
Your Career: 0 to 360 mph. 15 months to an FAA mechanics certificate.

What is one highlight of your career field?
Travel the world and get paid!

How did you get to your career?
I completed an FAA AMT certification course, Tested, and applied to my dream job. Applied my skills to advance along my chosen path.

What does your average day look like on your job?
Arrive to work ahead of the clock. Accept assignments and research the documents required to trouble-shoot and correct the fault. Repair the aircraft. Sign my name to the work accomplished. Return the aircraft back into service and watch happy travelers depart on-time to their destinations. This is repeated several times per shift with different aircraft types with different faults, always a little different, always learning something new.

Are there any tips you have for individuals seeking to start this career or do you know if there are scholarship or internship opportunities available with your career?
Understand this, shift-work is the normal in this industry. It will take time to build seniority to work day-shift with weekends off. Travel to all parts of the world for work and pleasure can be part of your future!

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