Week Nine Blog

I was surprised to learn what areas stress me out most and how susceptible I am to have a breakdown after taking the Life Stress Inventory Survey, Coping and Stress Management test and Type A personality survey. I think I have learnt to manage my stress well between school, work, and having a social life; for me it all comes down to my time management skills. Work stress is something that comes with having a job, though it is important to understand how to manage this stress. Long-term exposure to work stress can manifest a variety of physical health conditions, for example, repeated release of the stress hormone cortisol can disturb the immune system, and raise the likelihood of developing autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Chronic stress can also affect health by interfering with healthy behaviors, such as exercise, balanced eating, and sleep. Stress can be managed with relaxation activities like progressive muscle relaxation, mindfulness of thoughts, reappraising negative thoughts, and coming up with an action plan for the things that are stressors (N. Leblanc. Et al., 2019).

Banner Health is a leading nonprofit employer that provides high-quality healthcare to the states of the southwest. They are the largest private employer in Arizona and one of the largest employers in Northern Colorado. The MyWellbing program was created to assist their employees in dealing with the stress and mental workload that comes with working in healthcare. Employees who participate in this program receive mental health support, stress management seminars, financial planning resources, nutrition guides, and other benefits. The company is so committed to their employees’ stress and health management that they have implemented a Lifestyle Option Plan as well. This total compensation and benefits program can be personalized to meet each employee’s needs, allowing employees to schedule their work around their lives rather than their lives around their work (Banner Health. ND). Companies such as Banner Health demonstrate their commitment to their employees by providing programs and resources for their well-being. It is critical that employees believe their organization supports their mental health; this prevents burnout and boosts employee morale.

Nicole LeBlanc, Luana Marques. How to handle stress at work. (2019). Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/how-to-handle-stress-at-work-2019041716436

Banner Health. About Banner Health. (N.D.). Retrieved from https://www.bannerhealth.com/about.

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