I recently left a management position with compensation being my motivating factor. I had worked with the company for over five years, however I was not supported or compensated for the work I was performing. There were two managers at this company with me being one of them, the other manager was part time as she worked at another job. I always ended up performing more tasks than her with me being there more often, this included handling almost every store activity or complaint. My boss had seen over the years my ability to operate the store without any other management or my boss being there, leaving me to handle things way above my pay grade. I ended up decreasing my effort and subsequently leaving my position there because I was not paid enough for the work I did. Once I decreased my effort, I saw nobody else was willing to pick up the slack, including my boss who was out of the office most days. In the end I left for a better paying position with less stress, in hindsight I should have left the managerial position years ago.

Got any book recommendations?