
One of the biggest takeaways from my interview experiences has been the value of understanding how a structured interview takes place. The ability to have a well developed resume/cover letter, communicate effectively, wear proper attire, understand formalities, etc. is key to making a good first impression. While being capable of answering unstructured or job related questions is important, I have found that corporations value structure and may hire based off a candidates ability to properly execute the listed abilities. Furthermore, the ability to display your experience while tying in potential job requirements is essential. For instance, when I interviewed for the position I am currently in, I highlight how each of my skills on my resume could be transferable to this corporation. Furthermore, I chose to go above and beyond and I identified potential areas in which I could add value outside of the listed job requirements. This not only shows that you are well prepared and thoughtful, but you are motivated to make an impact and have a passion for what you do. My interview experiences have been very structured and given I have diligently prepared for my formalities and first impressions, I was usually very confident with the outcome of the interview. In particular, I have found that very good interviewers will ask questions that force elaboration. This gives you as an interviewee an opportunity to showcase your talents and display areas of expertise. Likewise, being able to elaborate on a topic, tie it in to the job requirements, and then ask a question is a home run. As I mentioned, interviewers will often put a ball on a tea for you and sometimes you have to take a swing.