OSU home page stands out

In this recent post on a design blog, OSU’s home page was hailed as a standout in an informal survey of 50 college websites from 50 different states. Designer Josh Johnson noted: Attractive colors, great use of contrast, solid implementation of modern web technologies, quality photography, and strong alignment: all important pieces in the recipe […]

January 22, 2011

In this recent post on a design blog, OSU’s home page was hailed as a standout in an informal survey of 50 college websites from 50 different states. Designer Josh Johnson noted:

Attractive colors, great use of contrast, solid implementation of modern web technologies, quality photography, and strong alignment: all important pieces in the recipe for good web design. This site really hits me as as case of modern attractive design. Way to go Oregon [State]!

We’ll forgive his little flub at the end. Hats off to visual designer Truen Pence on the Web Comm team, and to everyone from WC and CWS who made this a “solid implementation of moder web technologies.”

Part of the goal of our Integrated Marketing and Communications plan is to communicate a contemporary image of the university. This feedback helps us know we’re on the right track.

We’re now in the process of working with many colleges to help them develop templates and themes that model the OSU home page while retaining unique qualities for their respective schools. We hope to work through all of these sites over the next year to 18 months.



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