1. The Stanislaus NF will be filling a number of temporary summer positions in 2015.

A wide variety of jobs will be available in archaeology, botany, interpretation, recreation, wilderness, wildlife and wildland firefighting.

Currently, we have job announcements created for WILDLAND FIREFIGHTERS. These announcements will not open until 01/30/2015 and 2/3/2015.  Below are the announcement numbers and the website to apply for these positions.


15-TEMP-R5462-3-SUPPR-DT-MC – Locations – Groveland, Hathaway Pines, Mi-Wuk Village and Pinecrest

15-TEMP-R5462-4-SUPPR-DT-MC – Locations – Groveland, Hathaway Pines, Mi-Wuk Village and Pinecrest

15-TEMP-R5462-5-ENG-DT-MC – Locations – Groveland, Hathaway Pines, Mi-Wuk Village and Pinecrest

15-TEMP-R5462-5-HLTK-DT-MC – Location – Mi-Wuk Village

15-TEMP-R5462-5-HS/HC-DT-MC – Locations – Groveland, Hathaway Pines, Mi-Wuk Village and Pinecrest


The announcements for the GS-4 Suppression and GS-5 Engine and Helitack positions will open 1/30/2015  and close on 2/3/2015.  The announcements for the GS-3 Suppression and GS-5 Hotshot/Handcrew positions will open 2/3/2015 and close on 2/9/2015.


APPLICATION PROCESS:  Applicants must access the vacancy announcement through USAjobs – www.usajobs.gov

You can access the announcements on the date the job opens which is indicated above with the number listed as the announcement #.


Applicants must establish an account and create or upload a resume in the site in order to apply.  For assistance in navigating the USAjobs site, open the attached power point PDF file or access https://help.usajobs.gov/index.php/Main_Page.   Once you have established your account and resume, that data will be used in all future applications without the need to reenter.


For further information on these jobs, please Contact:


Joel Silverman

Summit RD, STF

209-965-3434 x5369


Lori Greeno

Support Services Specialist

Summit RD

Stanislaus NF

209.965.3434 x5320

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