
The purpose of this observation is to provide the instructor and the observer with a focus for communication between the two, concerning several areas that INTO OSU thinks are important. From this observation should come an increased awareness of the instructor’s effectiveness in the classroom or in other interactive settings with students.


  1. The observer and the instructor have discussed the aims of the instructor for the class/activity involved.
  2. The instructor has had the opportunity to indicate any area that she/he may feel needs special attention from the observer.
  3. The observer will proceed from the assumption that the instructor’s performance is satisfactory. Thus, the observer will note only performance which seems exceptional in that it is especially good or is in need of improvement
  4. The observer will formulate notes as objectively as possible. For example, “Two students sleeping, one reading letter from home” is better than “Class seems inattentive.”
  5. The observer and the instructor will go over the observer’s notes as soon after the observation as possible. During this discussion, the instructor will have a chance to respond to the observer’s comments and to enter objections or elaborations. The instructor’s initials will indicate that the discussion has taken place.
  6. The observer will give the completed form to the Executive Assistant, who will put it in the instructor’s file. If the observer has noted areas in need of improvement, the supervisor will ask to meet with the instructor to discuss ways to work toward such improvement.

Below is a copy of the Classroom Observation Form

Classroom Observation Form


Updated October 2014


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