Welcome to the INTO OSU Staff Info Depot! The site serves as the primary faculty handbook for INTO OSU teachers and is a resource for key information for everyone in the Center. Explore to menu to see everything on the site.


INTO OSU continues a long tradition of service to students from other countries at OSU. International students have been made welcome at OSU for more than 100 years.

English language instruction, admissions, recruiting and student services for international students at OSU are provided by a joint venture partnership entity called INTO Oregon State University. INTO OSU is an initiative to increase the number of and percentage ratio of international students at OSU and to improve the overall level of service that OSU provides for them. INTO OSU is based on a partnership agreement between the Oregon State University Foundation and INTO University Partnerships (IUP), a private company first established in the United Kingdom in 2005. There are currently nearly 20 INTO centers in the US, UK and China, including OSU, University of South Florida, Colorado State University and Marshall University.

INTO OSU departments and their descriptions

Please note: This is not a public site; please don’t refer students here. Almost everything students will need is available on the Online Student Info Depot.

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