Finishing winter terms capstone class marks 2/3rds through my capstone project of website application security. I chose it because I’m interested in the intersection between software development and security, and I believe that many vulnerabilities can be prevented already in the development phase. I also like node.js, which is the framework I used to develop the vulnerable application and the attack mechanism. This project gave me a chance to explore using frameworks and technologies which interest me, and to increase my knowledge of security.
One of the largest challenges in this project is how I’ll be hosting it for demonstration purposes, I still haven’t figured that one out. I can’t have it publicly availible, because of how vulnerable the application is. I have to assume that any user is capable of rooting the machine and doing what they want with it, and thus I don’t feel comfortable hosting it on a machine I own or am responsible for. I could have it as a docker image that each user downloads and runs on their machine locally.
I’m very pleased with project progress so far, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working on this project. I liked developing each vulnerability and exploit, and look forward to adding the secure version of each vulnerable endpoint I’ve created so far. I’ll be adding the documentation and information for each exploit too, which will be interesting because I’ll get to do thorough research on each vulnerability in order to compile this information. I feel like this is a very solid project to present as a portfolio project, and I hope to be able to demonstrate it in interviews. I still need to touch up the code and documentation, but I’m very satisfied with it functionally and I look forward to see the progress I make on this project.