CS467: my journey through the capstone project.

  • Blog Post #3

    When I started with this course, I saw many interesting topics. In a way it was a summary of the software development and computer science related topics, including most recent areas such as artificial intelligence, and some final words to be successful in this field. In the discussions, I could read various interesting information and…

  • Blog Post #2

    Hi everyone, this is my second post on my blog. I am currently working on InvestorMatch.ai project, which aims to create a tool that scores the relationship between potential funders and potential founders and finds the best funder matches for the founders and the best founder matches for the funders. I want to write about…

  • Blog Post #1

    Hi everyone! Welcome to my capstone blog. My name is Serkan, father of two kids, a 7 year old boy and a 5 year old girl. I studied civil engineering followed by an MBA. Since then, I have been working in various fields of finance and investment industry, including treasury, brokerage, M&A advisory, private equity…