Kelsey’s Capstone Blog

Hello everyone! My name is Kelsey and I am in my last class here at OSU: CS 467 – Online Capstone. I plan to graduate in December, 2023!

I live in Nebraska and work as a Software Developer. My first degree was in Music Education from the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and I formerly held a K-12 teaching certificate in the state of Nebraska. I left my fulltime job for an internship as a Software Developer last summer, worked hard and applied myself, and I was fortunate enough to receive a return offer for full-time once I graduate. I am continuing my internship through the Fall while completing this last class, and then my new life officially begins next January.

I hope this blog will be entertaining/informative to my fellow CS 467 students, or maybe even a passer-by from the wider internet. Thanks for reading 🙂

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