Monthly Archives: December 2011

Note the change! Desk hours during winter break

We’re changing our hours for the 3rd floor Archives and public service desk during winter break, so make sure you make sure you are heading to the right desk to get help!

Monday December 12th through Friday December 16th

  • 3rd floor desk OPEN 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Monday December 19th through Monday January 2nd.

  • 3rd floor desk CLOSED – see below for contact information
  • 5th floor desk OPEN for archival reference assistance 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • 2nd floor desk OPEN for maps, microforms, government documents, and other reference assistance 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

Tuesday January 3rd through Friday January 9th

  • 3rd floor desk OPEN 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

For maps, microforms, and government documents reference assistance, please see the staff at the 2nd floor “Ask Here” desk.

For archival reference assistance, please see the staff at the 5th floor public service desk.


Crate of celery from the Labish Meadows Celery Union, Lake Labish area near Brooks, Oregon

Crate of celery from the Labish Meadows Celery Union, Lake Labish area near Brooks, Oregon

In our era of pre-cut, pre-cleaned, pre-packaged fruits and vegetables, we celebrate produce production and sales at its historic finest with a brand new Flickr Commons set called “Production, processing, & sales: the many stages of produce“!

Lettuce grown in Wellsher's Corvallis greenhouse

Lettuce grown in Wellsher's Corvallis greenhouse

You’ll see people packing produce in packing houses throughout the state — and then unloading it all! You’ll see farmers in their fields with their hands in the soil — and workers in factories washing it off. And thrown into the mix you’ll see greenhouses, irrigation, wagons, weighing, processing, and selling!

Wagon hauling fruit boxes

Wagon hauling fruit boxes