Biophysical Impacts and Indicators

BP1:  water quality Reservoir stores heavy metals, pesticides, PCBs changes cycling of nutrients, carbon, DO, TSS, temperature, periphyton reservoir retention time
BP2:  biodiversity Habitat created for rare/endemic species rare or endemic species affected; quality of affected habitats or sensitive ecosystems; potential creation of new habitat index of habitat quality- habitat classification, species occurrence
BP3:  sediment Reservoir stores anthropogenic sources of sediment eroded from upstream  DS channel changes:  degradation/aggradation; modification to grain size distribution, depositional features, and channel morphology trap efficiency of dam, percentage of basin that contributes to the dam
BP4:  natural flow regime Food protection, storage for irrigation, domestic, or industrial use changes to historic hydrograph-  magnitude, duration, timing, and frequency of high and low flows; channel morphology, DS degradation/aggradation, migration or spawning cues, substrate conditions, condition of  riparian vegetation Carryover storage – (0) run of river (1) seasonal storage (2) annual storage and (3) multiple year storage
BP5:  climate and air quality Reduced equivalent emission of GHG from coal Reservoir methane emissions amount of GHG emitted from equivalent MW of coal power generation- energy density (MW/unit area of reservoir)
BP6:  landscape stability   Reservoir-induced seismicity, Landslide potential weight of reservoir, distance to faults, landslide hazard, grade of slopes, erosivity of soils
BP7:  impact area Lentic habitat created Loss of riverine, riparian, and terrestrial habitat surface area of the reservoir, length of river impounded, length of power transmission lines, habitat classification data