Hello and welcome to my blog post site! My name is Mario Lopez and I am a computer science student in my last quarter at Oregon State University (OSU). In this blog, I’ll be journaling my journey through CS467, a capstone project course offered at OSU.
CS467 offers the exciting opportunity for me to collaborate with teammates at OSU as we collectively collaborate on a particular project. These projects range in a variety of topics from gaming, to literature, mathematics, and health. These projects allow us, the students, to make use of our existing programming knowledge and abilities and have the potential for us to learn new programming languages necessary for machine learning, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality.
For some of us, it may seem like it was just yesterday when we started our program at OSU, but I can assure you that we have picked up strong learning habits and quite a few skills that’ll make this quarter, and this blogpost, well worth the wait. So, grab your popcorn and let the < function > begin!