
March 11, 2020

*Note: sources are listed within the images (at the bottom). Cards were made on Canva with the use of their library of fonts and elements.

Week 10 was very streamlined. We presented posters that related to our Insight Project. I found it nerve-racking, yet exciting. I was looking forward to receiving constructive feedback. I enjoy the ideation that comes about from the feedback process. Questions that I had throughout the entire process began to be answered the more feedback and input I got. While I asked individuals throughout my project a lot of the responses were mixed. Being in a room with designers helps bring to light new avenues that I had yet to discover.

From the Design Thinking and Process Innovation course, I learned that the balance between business and design is important, but consumers’ voice is ultimately powerful. Appealing to there multiple senses and personal narrative is worthwhile. It may take testing, researching, empathizing, forecasting, and a variety of other steps (the full design thinking process) but in the end, the effort one puts in can make a product more worthwhile.


March 6, 2020

*Note: sources are listed within the images (at the bottom). Cards were made on Canva with the use of their library of fonts and elements.

Week 9 was mainly a work week. I got a good deal of work done on the conception of my promotional poster. My goal is to design a simple but clear poster. I want to use clean lines that display the product but allow for impact. Some of the examples shown in class made me want to develop my drawing and sketching skills further. As of now, I plan to use Adobe Illustrator to create a poster but I am considering using a hybrid of sketching and virtual editing.


March 1, 2020

*Note: sources are listed within the images (at the bottom). Cards were made on Canva with the use of their library of fonts and elements.

Week 8 was a meaningful week. We worked on testing and refining our prototypes. The testing process confirmed and realigned preexisting beliefs. Overall, it clarified my vision and specified user needs. All in all, I felt uplifted by the testing process. I did not enjoy parts out of class like getting consumers to test it, though it is very necessary. I enjoyed getting feedback, but I felt as though I was inconveniencing others. Because my product is a cup many were confused as to what to do with it. That said, I am glad to have gotten the experience and thoroughly believe in testing as it provided insightful feedback.