It is Wednesday and the sun is shining. oregon susnhine

The thought for today is evaluation use.

A colleague of mine tell me there are four types of evaluation use:

  1. Conceptual use
  2. Instrumental use
  3. Persuasive use
  4. Process use

How are evaluation results used? Seems to me that using evaluation results is the goal–otherwise it what you’ve done really evaluation?   HOW do YOU use your evaluation results?reports 2

Is scholarship a use?

Is reporting a use?

Does use always mean taking action?

Does use always mean “so what”?

Jane Davidson (Davidson Consulting,
Aotearoa New Zealand)  says there are three question that any evaluator needs to ask:

  1. What’s so?
  2. So what?
  3. Now what?

Seems to me that you need the “now what” question  to have evaluation use. What do you think? Post a comment.

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