Thoughts about CS 467…

My biggest take away for CS467 course was that I got introduced to OpenAI. This tool has its pros and cons but the benefits from using this tool are way greater than its deficits. For example, ChatGPT often doesn’t provide correct answers if your questions are not very targeted and specific. This happened to me when I was working on a portion of our group project where I requested it to build a new HTML page with details for me. The overall structure was great, but some coding parts were erroneous and dysfunctional. It got to a point where I had to spend a couple of hours debuggin and pulled out my old hat to code in JavaScript. As I am writing this blog, I am still trying to find the bugs that it generated. In a nutshell, what I am trying to say is that, if you actually know how to code some parts or modules of an application that you are building, I strongly suggest that completing the smaller portions yourself and then have ChatGPT to proofread for you is the better way to go about this.  In other words, do not trust it fully; use it wisely and always pick N choose. Say YES to its overall structure and direction, and YES on using it for error checking. But other than that, try not to rely on it 100% for sure. Another interesting thing that I discovered since using it is that it has been saving me tons and tons and tons of time for me as opposed doing research on my own. Before I got introduced to AI, as one of CS undergrad students, we would spend hours reading up API documentations on Google for different languages. But now with this AI technology, I could find answers easily in a matter of seconds. I feel like this is a breakthrough for educational purposes. I truly feel like this is one of the best tools/innovations that can assist students to learn and maximize their potential. Also, I just need to reiterate this again, it is just a time savor, like a live dictionary! I am finding myself to be a better coder for sure with this type of resource available to me. It is game changing for students and professionals on this level.

 SWOT Analysis on CS467… 

Strengths: Flexible, Forgiven, Freedom and Creativity. 

Weakness: Project size determines the feasibility of completion. May not be able to finish the project before quarter ends. 

Opportunities and Threats: Maybe have things more defined in terms of how we should run things in a group setting. I know freedom is great but one potential pitfall I see is that the entire group might just go easy and slack off a little bit. I know this course is trying to prepare us, the students to experience real life, real work environment settings. But there is this chance a group might not know what to do.