What’s behind your decision to earn an MBA? Are you looking to differentiate yourself in a competitive job market? Explore your

MBA students practice communication skills during the elevator pitch competition.
MBA students practice communication skills during the elevator pitch competition.

passion for business? Move your career forward? Add new skills to your professional toolbox? Start and run your own company?

Like snowflakes, no two career paths are exactly alike. That’s why MBA programs are designed to provide a well-rounded mix of academic, professional, social and leadership-development experiences to propel your career forward.

When I talk to graduating students about how their MBA experience has served them, I receive a wide range of responses. Here are a few examples:

  • “I have a much better understanding of business fundamentals – what works and what doesn’t and how to get there. I ammuch more confident in analyzing and solving problems.”
  • “I loved the hands-on learning opportunities – they helped keep my real-world skills fresh and earned me some great connections.”
  • “I’m definitely a better leader and feel equipped to manage teams of all sizes.”
  • “My knowledge of and appreciation for other cultures and styles of business is definitely going to serve me well at a multinational company.”
  • “I’ve now got friends all over the world – I feel like I can find a job or a reference almost anywhere I go.”
  • “I now have a wide range of communication skills and styles. I can confidently pitch a customer in an elevator or present to a CEO in a board room.”

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of earning your MBA, please drop me a line.

Brian Precious is the MBA Program Director at Oregon State University. He can be reached at: OSUMBA@OregonState.edu

top 5

December can be exciting, with holidays and celebrations filling many hours throughout the month. It’s a time to spend with family and friends, and to give thanks to those most important in our lives. It is also a great time to reflect and ask important questions related to your professional goals and aspirations: Is my career on track? Am I enjoying the work I’m doing? Am I still learning? Where will I be in five years? If these questions have you scratching your head, perhaps earning an MBA can help. Below are five great reasons to consider this versatile degree in 2015:

  1. Advance Your Career – An MBA can help individual contributors move into leadership and management positions. MBA students typically take courses in project management, organizational development, ethics and negotiations. In addition, most programs allow future leaders to practice these skills through capstone projects, group presentations and other experiential learning opportunities.
  2.  Change Careers – An MBA can be a springboard to new career paths. By focusing on a broad range of business disciplines, MBA graduates can leverage these new skills and experiences to transition into a new industry or functional area.
  3. Earn More – On average, MBA graduates earn more than their non-MBA counterparts. According to a 2012 analysis by Poets and Quants, graduates of part-time MBA programs reported an average increase of 53% over their pre-MBA salary.
  4. Expand Your Network – An MBA provides opportunities to meet new customers, employers and business partners. MBA programs tend to attract students from a wide variety of industries, functions and geographies.
  5. Choose From Many Options –  MBA programs are becoming more flexible to meet the needs of both full-time students and working professionals. At Oregon State, full-time students with a business background can earn their degree in as little as nine months, while working professionals can customize their course schedule around their careerand family commitments. We also offer an MBA in Executive Leadership taught via an online/hybrid model, combining online courses, readings and assignments with one or two in-person class sessions each quarter.

Brian Precious is the MBA Program Director at Oregon State University. He can be reached at: OSUMBA@oregonstate.edu.