Capstone Adventures!

  • useForm(); >= useState();

    This week I’m working at getting a multi-part form up and running on the frontend using React. While investigating how to do this I ran across useForm(), a custom hook for React to interact with data from a form. The useForm() is like an abstracted version of the useState() which allow us to handle references…

  • Bye Node, Hello React!

    As I mentioned in my previous blog post, this past week I was able to get the most current Craft Center project. The backend was for the most part working as expected, but the front-end was missing functionality. Our team therefore decided that fixing up the front-end was the best move to make. However although…

  • Early Bird Bird Gets the Worm, But The Second Mouse Gets The Cheese.

    This week was rocky for sure, and almost completely reaffirmed the old adage: “the early bird gets the worm”. At first we had a delayed meeting due to everyone’s time constraints, then it was digging through prior projects in a shared folder to figure out what was done and what needed to be done. We…

  • Week 1 – CS467

    Hi and welcome to my blog: I think for many of us within the OSU post-bacc family, this is just the start of another phase in our lives. If my experience is anything like some others, we all probably faced some sort of trigger that motivated us to make this leap into computer science.…