We presented findings from our partnership at annual ELL Alliance conference in Eugene from March 9-March 11, 2016. We presented our current analysis on the over- and under-representation of English learners in special education. In addition, we shared preliminary findings from our new study, Reclassification Learning Labs, which focuses on understanding how districts implement Oregon’s policies about when ELs have attained English proficiency and should exit EL services.

Topics address in our presentation about English learner students in special education included:

  • What proportion of students currently classified as English learners are in special education?
  • How does likelihood of identification for special education compare for students ever identified as English learners (Ever ELs) and other students (Never ELs) in Oregon?
  • For both Ever ELs and Never ELs, what is the likelihood of identification for special education by disability type?
  • What types of services are Ever EL students with disabilities receiving? How does this compare to services for other students?

The presentation on English learners in special education is available here. Results are preliminary and we are currently preparing a manuscript for publication on this topic.

The Reclassification Learning Labs presentation focuses on understanding:

  • How are state reclassification policies implemented in a variety of Oregon districts? What are the similarities and differences in implementation across districts?
  • What are the rationales for the ways in which districts implement the state’s reclassification policies?
  • What changes in instructional settings and services do students experience as a result of reclassification and how does this vary by district and by school?

The presentation for the Reclassification Learning Labs is available here.

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