Celebrating Student Excellence

Students, family, faculty, alumni, donors and friends from the College of Agricultural Sciences gather in the MU ballroom once a year to recognize student accomplishments throughout the year. Throughout the evening awards are given for Distinguished Professor, New Professor, Club of the Year and outstanding Students. Recognition is also given to the Agricultural Executive Council, Ambassadors for Agriculture, Forestry and Natural Resources as well as scholarship recipients and graduating seniors.

National and University Award Winners

Savery Outstanding Doctoral Student

Patricia Aron

Savery Outstanding Master’s Student

Rachel Crowhurst

Capital Press Outstanding Senior in Agriculture

AnnaRose Adams

Burlingham Undergraduate Student of Excellence

Thomas Griffin

The Distinguished Professor Award was presented to Dr. Jeffrey Stone from the Botany and Plant Pathology Department.  Dr. Stone is a research professor in the Department of Botany and Plant Pathology.  He is continuing his research in mycology, ecology and evolutionary biology of fungal parasites of conifers.  Additionally, he is being recognized as an outstanding professor for both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Dr. Stone does a great job working with new software; the tasks assigned in many of the Botany classes use SimBio which models and reinforces the most important concepts of the course material but also allows many of the distant education students to experience a virtual lab environment.  Professor Stone’s willingness to try new things that enhance the student learning experience is a great example of how he works to improve the academic programs here at Oregon State University.

Dr. Misty Lambert was awarded as the Distinguished New Professor Award, this past year Dr. Lambert has served as the co-advisor for Collegiate FFA.  In this position she has surpassed the expectations of an advisors duty.  She is always coming up with ideas to increase our membership or new ways to involve the chapter in community and campus life.  Coming from Missouri she has brought many new ideas.  Currently she is helping to organize the Leadership Academy for next year; this academy will mentor students on leadership projects within the College of Agricultural Sciences.  Her overall professionalism and kind demeanor makes Oregon State University very lucky to have her as a professor.