Job Application Experiences

Natalie Maurer

From the perspective of an applicant, I always made sure that my resume was up to date when I was applying to various places, as well as adjusting my cover letter to fit each organization better. With all of the different places I have worked prior, the application process was very similar each time. Once I sent in my application I would often have to complete some sort of survey or quiz to see how much experience I actually have. At the last job I worked at/applied to, the manager first called to see if I would want to proceed further and set up an interview. In my opinion, the most difficult part of the application process was having to apply to numerous places while filling in the same information each time on the questionnaires as it can get very repetitive. 

From my past job experiences, I have mostly only had positive experiences when it came to applying to a job and getting interviewed. A lot of times I would have to apply to many different jobs and would only hear back from a couple. There have been times where the manager did not communicate effectively and did not seem enthusiastic when interviewing. I did end up working at this facility short term, but realized it was not a good fit for me. From this experience, I learned that I should be more aware of the work environment and if I actually want to work there, rather than jump at the first offer I am given.