SIFC Presentation

Below is a link to the presentation that Ashley Barnes (MU President) and Amanda Hartley (MU Board Member) gave to the SIFC committee on Monday, February 27, 2012.

mu2013sifc hearing presentation part 1

mu2013sifc hearing presentation part 2

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MU #1: What are you doing to relieve staff of cumbersome workloads?

We have proposed two new positions that will relieve a significant portion of overload in SLI.  Student responses to our benchmarking surveys indicate that this is an area where further investment would result in greater student satisfaction with their experience at OSU.  There is no fee increase associated with the establishment of these two new positions.  The costs are funded by additional enrollment.

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MU #2: How are you working to improve your relationship with the AABC? What are the challenges?

The MU Leadership Team has met with AABC-MU leadership and established mutually beneficial goals. The biggest challenges are figuring out budgetary information flow (status reports throughout the year), and determining the boundaries and handoffs that can number into the dozens of interactions and overlaps each day between the AABC and the MU.

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MU #3: Provide an update on the MU’s diversity action plan. What is your educational plan?

One of the two new positions has a significant portion of its duties defined as providing leadership to our diversity training needs organization-wide.  The establishment of this position will supplement existing diversity action efforts, such as active participation in the Campus Coalition Builder’s leadership team, facilitation of the White Identity Development Retreat for students, global citizenship awareness efforts by ISOSU, under-represented professionals in media serving as speakers within Student Media’s professional development series.

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MU #4: What are the SEC impact costs?

Because our project was suspended as of June 2011 until Oregon Legislative approval could be obtained, we have not updated any of this information.  Impact costs developed last year are the most accurate available and further refinement cannot occur until the building project teams resume their planning activity.  We are willing to schedule a time with SIFC to familiarize your members with the work that was done last year and presented to SIFC in Spring Term of ‘11.

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MU #5: What is the MU doing to off-set the loss of income from the Bookstore departure?

Most of the revenue cannot be off-set and was predicted as a fee increase prior to the project going to referendum.  However, to the greatest degree possible, new revenue generation was the focus of space allocation discussions with the MU East Wing project team.  Additional revenue will come from an increase in event services from having more and larger program spaces, from food service expansion, and possibly other new leases.  No new activity has taken place since the project was suspended in June of ’11. Program revenues (MUPC, ISOSU) have increased, as have Retail Food Service and Event Services income projections in the FY 13 budget.

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MU #6: What are your revenue streams from sources other than student fees?

Most of this is detailed in our annual budget.  Largest revenue streams to the MU Building come from our Bookstore lease (#1), Event Support/Room Rentals (#2), and return to the MU from Food Service (#3).

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MU #7: Update on Building/Equipment Reserve funding.

A detailed analysis of our cash position for our operating fund and reserve accounts accompanies the annual budget request.

Working Capital and Reserves

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General #1: How many students you serve through your programs/events/employment?

  • Programs: That’s a tough question to concisely answer when you look at the scope of what the MU budget covers programmatically speaking.  Student Events and Activities supports 380 student organizations which list a minimum of 1,530 student leaders and 17,519 reported members.  The Cultural Meals Program engaged an estimated 5,000 student volunteers and served 15,000+ meals to students and community. SLI also supports more than 100+ students focused on socially responsible leadership and social justice through the Student Sustainability Initiative and Team Liberation.  For groups like MUPC, it has to be more than 10,000 program participants per year.  Civic Engagement is growing and will probably service 1,000 or more students this year.  ISOSU is another group with potentially 10,000 or more program participants per year.  There are at least 200 or more partaking in our Leadership efforts.  While the Center for Greek Life is not funded by SIFC, it is a part of SLI and that Center serves a community of over 2,800 students.
  • Events:  We service about 14,000 reservations per year with a total audience of 325,000 to 350,000
  • Food Service: We serve over 350,000 a term at our dining venues.
  • Facilities Access: We average over 11,000 visitors a day at the Memorial Union.
  • We directly employ around 373 students and our staff advise over 450 students funded by other finance board (such as EdAc)
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General #2: What is the number of student employees/percent of staff?

We have approximately 373 student employees and 45 full-time staff.  That would be a 10:1 ratio of student employees to full-time staff.

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