More Comments: a blog about coding

  • Unexpected Success

    Despite all the fanfare in recent years for AI tools, I did not have very high expectations for using them in our project. Sure, I figured they’d be useful, but I’ve also gotten the impression that some of the hype flying around the internet has been overblown. For all the amazing things AI can do,…

  • Capstone Update – Week 5

    It’s hard to believe we’re at Week 5 already. It took a little while for my team to really get started since we were reassigned from our initial project. We ended up with the AI Coder project, and, as part of that, we elected to implement the Job Tracker project. Basically, the idea is to…

  • Introduction

    Hi, everyone! My name is John DeRusso, and this blog is going to focus on my coding journey. I’ve been into computers since I was a kid. I vividly remember my dad taking me to a class on Windows 95 back when it was the hot new thing (almost 30 years ago!). Since then, I…