Week 4-Blog-Job-Description

A job description is a document that outlines the functions, roles, responsibilities, and qualifications that are needed for a specific position within an organization. It serves as the fundamental tool in human resource management by providing a clear and comprehensive understanding of what the position entails. A well-made job description clearly states the job title, which must accurately reflect the roles, responsibilities, and positions within the organization. A good job description must provide a summary that provides an overview of the purpose of the position within the organization. A job description must specify what qualifications are required to be in that position, this includes education, experience, and skills. In addition to what has been mentioned, a job description must define the physical demands, work hours, information on compensation and salary, potential hazards or risks they may face, and adhere to all legal requirements.

Personal experiences with job descriptions have varied in the places that I have worked at. When I worked at the Amazon warehouse in Salem, the job description was clear and had no surprises except when it came to the proper training in the beginning. While the job description was clear, I was not provided with the proper training that the company promised to provide in the job orientation. This left me and other individuals entering the workplace to face potential accident risks due to the limited amount of training that was given to us to operate the forklifts we were going to be using. Most of those who entered the workplace at the same time as I did crash the forklift within the first week due to the lack of training which also put them at risk of getting injured and quitting within the first month of working there. If the company provided the adequate training that was stated in the job description, the amount of forklift accidents would have been much lower than they were. I felt unsafe working there in the beginning due to this but over time I was able to get the hang of operating it with more ease and avoid any potential accidents. On the other hand, working at my family business everyone knew their job responsibility due to the job description that was provided to them when entering the workplace, they were also placed in training before being left on their own, this ensured they felt they were capable of working in the environment they were in and be an adequate person in that position. The job description clearly stated what was required and their responsibilities as well as the risks they may face to avoid any legal repercussions, this was a completely different experience than working at Amazon and had much fewer turnovers due to the well-developed job description.