MGMT-549 Job Application Experiences

I worked at the Quality Control department at a manufacturing company in my home country before I entered OSU two years ago. The company’s main task was to manufacture vacuum chambers for display equipment by welding, cutting, making holes and polishing stainless steel. When I applied for the job in 2018, I sent my resume and after I got selected as a candidate for the position, I had an interview with them. I was a little nervous as I headed to the company for the interview and I found out that there were few other candidates for the position I applied for which made me more nervous. The company had about a hundred employees which is not big but not too small. When I arrived at the company for the interview, I saw dozens of workers and welders machining and welding its products at its shop floor. It really did look like a manufacturing company to me that time. The interviewers were a human resource manager and a team leader of the Quality team. They asked me about my background, undergrad major, certificates, licenses and my hobbies etc. Even though I was quite nervous, I remember I answered them well. The last question was my thoughts about the company and the team I applied for. I answered them that the company was what I really wanted to work at and I am the person that perfectly fit in the position I applied for. The questions they asked me gave me an impression of my desire to work there because it seemed like they were looking for someone like me. I also had a positive feeling that I would be suitable and perform well for the position.

Got any book recommendations?