
Week 2

If I was interested in a company who had been faced with a lawsuit regarding widespread discrimination against individuals from an ethnicity, culture, or belief system that I associate with, it would absolutely deter me from supporting and potentially working for that company. Even if the allegations were false, the lawsuit would be enough for me to not want to work for the company. While it would not be a make or break for me, it would defiantly influence my decision. Even if the allegations were not pertaining to the discrimination of a class that I belong to, the idea that the company is discriminating against anyone would deter me from working for them.

On the other hand, the fact that the company was engaged in a discrimination lawsuit may mean that they are less likely to engage in that discrimination in the future due to being publicly scrutinized for such actions. In my experience as a white male, I have not experienced much discrimination against myself. While I have not been discriminated myself, I have seen discrimination take place in my current position. In the industry I currently work in, most of the employees are male. Women are viewed by some members of the industry as less competent and likely to cause problems. This is an issue because some women may be passed up for a position or a promotion, even though they may be the most qualified applicant.

Overall, I believe that discrimination is a prominent issue in today’s world. It is an issue that we should be working to solve. The company that has been accused of discriminatory practices may be worth avoiding if possible.

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