
Week 9 Blog

This week we are tasked with understanding ourselves and how we will react in the field within our respective industries. More so, there is an emphasis on connecting what we identify that we need as individuals to what existing organizations are offering. We were given three tests to complete to assess ourselves, these three tests were:
1. The Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory
2. Coping & Stress Management Skills Test
3. Type-A Personality Test
These tests are used to assess our individual characteristics in the real world to a certain extent.

I scored a 308 on the Holmes-Rahe Life Stress Inventory which was on the high end according to the provided scale. It is indicating that I have about an 80% chance of a stress-induced health breakdown. However, I know my capability to handle and digest stressful situations and as a result I am not worried about this score even with it being high. More so, I have a wonderful support system that is comprised of both family and my spouse and as a result my worry is further lessened. For the Coping & Stress Management Skills Test I scored a 98. The test indicated that I am likely to, and likely already do, utilize problem-focused strategies in order to cope with stress. For the Type A Personality Test I scored a 44 which is indicative of interactions between me and others that could at times be tinged with impatience and hostility. This is something that I can agree with an am trying to improve on whether it be through self reflection or tactics to mediate potentially explosive situations.

At this point in time, I do not foresee myself to be at a huge risk of health and stress related conditions as I do not break down very easily in the field and I prioritize self care through proper dieting, management of bad habits and through paying attention to how I am feeling in general. I have had plenty of bad times in my short lifetime and as a result I have been exposed to how I feel when I feel bad in general so I can identify when I am falling short with myself.

In general, there are plenty of programs that many organizations put in place to assist with these topics such as employee assistance programs, mindfulness and meditation programs as well as mental health days to provide a disconnect from the field and assist in employee recovery. A huge aspect is the ability for an organization to allow employees to have a work-life balance should they decide to. Benefits such as PTO, meeting free days and healthy work environment all provide support to employees who are seeking assistance regarding these aspects.


Week 8 Blog

This weeks blog is surrounding the motivations behind why employees decide to or decide against being employed with a specific employer. In general, there are a lot of factors to consider when accepting a position. I am currently studying to enter the construction industry and in this industry, there are numerous considerations to be had.

Foremost is the cost of relocation as construction jobs may not be consistent enough to maintain residence in one area. This is especially if the region consists of a small demographic with limited construction resources and potential. As a result, if you are having to relocate yourself and family constantly it is imperative that the offer that is being considered include relocation costs or a travel allowance and temporary living conditions wherever the job site is located. Secondly is the cost of travel itself if you are kept in one location. This cost can include company vehicles, gas cards, travel expense (hotel rooms, food, personal care items) reimbursements and potentially a company debit/credit card for the aforementioned expenses.

Further, if you are being offered a position based on your above average experience, it is always worthwhile to ask for a bonus or even increases in the hourly or salaried wages. Employees need to be able to recognize their worth, little or large, and how that can be utilized to generate opportunities that may otherwise not exist. In my book, the worst that the employer can say is “No,” to your requests.

It is important to consider your level of experience as an industry professional no matter the industry that you are apart of. Large amounts of experience are highly sought after, especially in competitive job markets, as that can mean that you need less training, supervision and guidance in general when compared to other applicants. Above all else, never be afraid to ask for increased benefits, compensation or bonuses as you are valuable as an individual within the job market by holding a Bachelor of Science accreditation.

Personally, there are a few reasons why I have decided to reject positions in the past and present. Namely are the aspects listed above such as benefits, compensations and bonuses but also is the ability for me to gain vast amounts of experience as my career with a particular company continues on. You must ensure that you are able to gain vital experience within the industry that you are apart of so that you remain competitive as a participant of a job market. This way you have leverage in case of a disaster situation such as layoffs, recessions or even the company you are working for declaring bankruptcy and ceasing operations.

Overall, there are many considerations to be had when applying for and accepting a position within an industry. It is crucial that you do not assume that you are worth a fixed number as you can undervalue and undermine your own capabilities or experiences. Remember, the worst that an employer can say is “No,” to a request that you make.


Week 6 Blog

The last time I had formal training was when I worked for Ford Motor Company. When I worked for Ford, I was in the service department working as a Service Lot Attendant. What we did was we would move around vehicles as the arrived and left for service. There was an overflow lot and the main service building and we would drive vehicles in between the two allowing for the Service Technicians to perform scheduled maintenance on vehicles that have come in for service.

In order for us Service Lot Attendants to perform our jobs safely and efficiently, training was needed. Because this was my first “professional” job, it was especially needed to be trained. I did not know proper procedures, proper safety protocols, proper material handling methods and much more. In order to attain the skills required to perform the job properly, the Ford dealership that I was working for mandated that I go through training as a new Lot Attendant. This meant that I was to sit through well over 20 hours worth of training.

This 20 hours worth of training consisted of the necessary protocols required to perform the job efficiently and safely. If I am going to be honest however, this process was rather mundane and did not comprise of many of the “real life” techniques and points of awareness needed to properly perform the job. I will use an example of a situation that I had to go through to explain what I mean. On the dealership lot, adjacent to the service center, is a wash bay used to clean vehicles that arrive at the dealership regardless of if they are there for service or if the vehicle is a new vehicle. This wash bay is located across from another wash bay by a small pathway which measured approximately 50 feet across. This posed a serious hazard when it came to vehicles possibly striking each other due to the close proximity of the driveways for the wash bays. As a result, I had accidentally reversed the Ford truck I was driving into the Ford van that was behind me. This created a rather interesting predicament as now I had to deal with the fallout of the situation. There was never any training given to deal with or to prevent situations such as this. Had there been some sort of training, it is very possible that this event would have never occurred. This example is a situation in which it can be shown that training specific to the job needs to be created to account for the unique situations that could arise otherwise.

The example that I used is a great example of how formal training may not cover all of the bases required to create efficient and effective employees. As a result, a mentor program where senior Lot Attendants are helping to teach the new Lot Attendants would have been greatly beneficial to those of us who were new to the position. This is not the only situation where mentor programs would be beneficial in general. There were also aspects such as how to use the garbage compaction machine, how to handle used oil and much more where a mentor would have been useful both as someone to learn from and also someone to ask questions to.

In conclusion, the usage of a mentor program would not only allow for proper training, but it would also allow for employees to have a point of contact apart from the general manager as the managers may not have the patience, time or ability to explain all that needs to be learned. This can apply to most any job ranging from the food industry to the technology industry. Most any new employee would greatly benefit from having a mentor to be able to learn from and highlights the importance of allowing for mentors to exist within respective fields.


Week 5 Blog: What makes for effective and ineffective interviews?

Effective interviews must surround the needs and requirements that surround the position being sought for. An effective interview is structured well, is engaging and most of all seeks to understand the insights of the potential candidate. The candidate’s understanding of the position is only half of the goal, the other half is how they see this position and how they see their impact within the company. 

Within interviews there needs to be an understanding of the shared objective between the individual being hired and the individual doing the hiring. Typically, the interviewer knows what they are looking for. Does the person being interviewed have a good understanding of the job? Does this person have the skill set required? Does this person have the ability to fit into the social and work environments within the company? The answers to these questions are crucial to understanding whether the individual will have a long lasting impact within the company. Individuals who are not a proper fit in this regard will often be quick turnovers which in the end waste the resources of the company and often can lead to missing out on good talent. 

A key component to understanding this dynamic within individuals is their ability to answer open ended type questions. These questions are not simply yes or no, they instead seek to engage with the person to unwrap how they internally analyze those questions. This is crucial as it will expose how this individual will work with others down the road. It will show their willingness to collaborate and work together within their future teams to reach the overarching goals of the organization.

Overall, the ability for individuals to collaborate will be shown through an effective and well structured interview. Interviews that are unstructured and seem chaotic will not result in helpful evaluation of the individuals who are being interviewed. More so, well structured interviews will aim to connect the person being interviewed with the person who is doing the interviewing. This connection will allow for a more in depth understanding of who the person being interviewed is and where they are wanting to go in their own lives. Often times, this is enough to gauge whether an individual is a good fit or not.


Week 4 Blog: Overcoming Challenges Associated with Job Descriptions

When it comes to effective human resource management, developing and maintaining accurate and compelling job descriptions is vital. This task is often rife with challenges that can severely hamper and impede the ability for an organization to attract and retain top tier talent. After having reflected upon my experiences within the construction and automotive industries, I have identified a few key obstacles/challenges which I will use to discuss efforts to mitigate said obstacles/challenges.

First and foremost, keeping job descriptions up to date is one of the most tedious and rapidly evolving aspects of job description creation. The fast pace of work within organizations can often change how certain roles or positions operate which can render job descriptions obsolete. As a result, there are often expectations by employers which employees cannot meet and vise versa. Leveraging annual or bi-annual reviews of what exactly employees are doing can help to maintain accurate and effective job descriptions no matter the role. Taking examples from construction and automotive industries, employees are often given broad requirement of what they should or should not be doing. When these employees come in for formal interviews, they are often blindsided by requirement which they didn’t know they needed as they were not mentioned in job descriptions.

Another aspect of job descriptions that can be rather disconnecting for potential employees is the ability to balance specificity and flexibility. Overly detailed job descriptions can turn off employees as they may feel that the employer is evoking too much control which will interfere with the employees ability to find their “groove” and operate efficiently. Being in construction myself, it is a common pain point where employers often expect too much from younger workers as experience within the field is required to grow in the industry. According to, there are many tools and templates available from the Society of Human Resource Management to aid in creating effective and compelling job descriptions (Tyler). Utilizing resources such as the Society of Human Resource Management is a reliable method to understand whether or not current job descriptions are being seen as “too demanding”.

Finally, it is crucial to maintain and ensure compliance and inclusivity from all employers and employees. Being able to craft descriptions that comply with legal and local standards while also promoting inclusivity requires very intricate and precise wording and language. Tackling this issue is two pronged with efforts both legal experts as well as the effort from the individual crafting these descriptions. It is crucial to regularly consult legal experts along with upper management to ensure that regulatory standards are met while also remaining inclusive through the usage of proper language in order to attract the diversity that is desired within the candidate pool.

Sources Cited:
Tyler, Kathryn. “Job Worth Doing: Update Descriptions.” Welcome to SHRM, 21 Dec. 2023,


Week 1 Blog: 2020 Fortune Best Companies to Work For

As a manager within a business, it is critical to maintain a transparent, mutually beneficial and positive environment for the individuals that you manage. This provides for a healthy and supportive environment within which individuals can flourish and in turn allow the company to reach new heights and capture new goals. Attained from “2020 Fortune Best Companies to Work For” are three examples of businesses that are actively finding ways to provide the aforementioned environment for their employees. These companies are Cisco, Ultimate Software and Stryker. Cisco and Ultimate Software are both within the information management space while Stryker is within the manufacturing and production space. While these companies all have overlaps, the fundamentals between information management and manufacturing and production are very different. As a result, we are provided with a great range of examples through which employees can be managed efficiently and effectively. Moreover, Cisco and Stryker are fairly large companies at over 20,000 employees within each one. Ultimate Software only has 5,000 employees which creates a more close-knit space for individuals within their workplace.

At Ultimate Software, it is shown that employees within this company feel as if they are family [1]. This makes sense as their company is on the smaller side comparatively which provides for more opportunities for the employees to mingle and become involved in each other’s business and personal life. Employees at Ultimate Software also say that they are not afraid to communicate with one another and that the culture at this company provides a sense of community [1] which is corroborated by their ‘family’ atmosphere.

At Cisco, individuals said that there is a good work life balance and that they are able to pursue their own personal passions and goals while also pursuing the goals of the company [2]. A good work life balance gives employees a sense of peace so that they are able to handle their own lives. This provides a form of stress relief as employees can remain in a good headspace while they are at work for the company as they know their personal lives are in good shape. Employees at Cisco also stated that they do not feel like robots and that they are satisfied that their workplace provides a team-like mentality [2]. The ability for a large company such as Cisco to maintain such a healthy workforce goes to show that even large companies have the ability to maintain worker happiness and enthusiasm. 

At Stryker, individuals and members of the company feel there is a strong culture within the workforce that provides for a driven and balanced environment [3]. An environment such as this provides for a good foundation upon which employees are able to build their professional careers. Unsurprisingly, Stryker also has the longest retention of their workforce as they are able to provide for a balanced and driven workplace environment. This enables employees to think about their own goals and keeps them motivated to stay and work with the company. Stryker also provides opportunities for growth and support to allow their workforce to flourish. 

Overall, we can see that across multiple different sized companies, the ability of a business to provide a healthy, positive and nurturing environment for employees is paramount to the longevity and success of that business. The concept of human capital is understood more in depth due to this. If employees are happy with their workplace, they will not want to leave and as a result, the business can develop its human capital and remain wealthy and abundant in talent and individual skill and ideas. This way, the business is able to remain fluid in spite of unknown and complex challenges that can make or break businesses.

Sources Cited

[1] Work, G. P. T. (n.d.). Ultimate Software. Great Place To Work®. 

[2] Work, G. P. T. (n.d.-a). Cisco. Great Place To Work®. 

[3] Work, G. P. T. (n.d.-b). Stryker. Great Place To Work®.