MGMT 453 Week 5 – Blog Assignment

The most recent interview that I had was with a general contractor who’s main office was located in the Portland area. I had visited the company’s booth at a Construction Engineering Management career fair here at Oregon State. I was very interested in the work that they were involved in, and both sides were eager to set up an interview for the following morning. That night, I spent time looking over the company website and trying to identify any faces that I saw at the career fair from their staffing/community page. I realized that I had been chatting with one of the company’s operations managers, who is responsible for overseeing several of the company’s projects at once. When I went to interview early the next morning, I was greeted by the operations manager, but then was quickly sat down with a senior project engineer and project manager.

The following summer, I had chosen to accept the internship offer with this company. I joined the company softball team and ended up getting much closer to the two employees that had originally interviewed me. After some time together, they let me know how that was their first interview that they had been on the other side of. The way they explained it, it sounded as if they were more nervous for the interview than I was. We all agreed that the interview went well from both sides, but ended up talking a bit more in regards to how the reliable quality of selection measure was at risk during the interviewing process. The two that were given the task of interviewing me had no experience with how they should interview besides the ones that they have been in themselves. To the company, I would let them know that I agree that interviewing college students for internships could be a good instance of interviewer training as content validity is of less importance. I had no experience in the construction industry at that moment, so the two interviewers just had to validate that I was a hard worker and good fit for the company.


Week 5 Canvas Lecture 2