Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Blog Post #3

    As my last quarter of OSU and my capstone class are coming to an end, there is time for reflection about both what my takeaways from the class are and what can be done to improve the course. Our project is a 3d escape room challenge game written in Unity. My biggest “success” this quarter…

  • Blog Post #2

    Since blog post #1, we were assigned our project and started coding it up. The project is a 3d escape room challenge game that we are developing using Unity and C hashtag. Originally, we planned to use the open source game engine Godot, but quickly ran into some blocking issues and decided to pivot to…

  • Blog Post #1

    Hello All, My name is Tom and I, like many of you that might read this post, am in my last quarter at OSU taking the cs capstone course and intro to computer graphics as my final elective. I live in the Philadelphia area and I love the outdoors, traveling, and all things Philly sports.…

Got any book recommendations?