Blog Post #1

Hello. My name is Michael McDonell and I am taking CS 467 this Fall quarter, 2023. I am also ULAing for CS 225. I have been accepted to work for FAST Enterprises which I will begin in January. This involves me moving to Colorado which should be very fun. I am on my last quarter and am hoping to finish strong with this Capstone project. I have chatted via the unofficial Discord channel with another student taking this class this quarter and I believe we will be working together. We have not decided on a project yet, but we have tossed around the idea of a text-based adventure game, which I think would be neat.

As for favorite technologies, I like using GitHub, I like PyCharm, I like VS Code. WireShark was also fun to use last quarter for Intro to Computer Networks. My hobbies include weight lifting, guitar, drawing, video games, hiking, and tennis. Thank you for reading!
-Michael M.

Got any book recommendations?